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Richard Gershon, PhD
Northwestern University – MSS
Chicago, Illinois

Richard Gershon, PhD

Northwestern University – MSS
Chicago, Illinois


IC25: NIH Toolbox: Innovative Assessments for Rehab Practice and Research: Presentation >>


In response to the realization that the outcomes tools which I was using in clinical practice were outdated and failed to cover the needs of my patients, my career has increasingly focused on the development of modern assessment tools. I strive to find new ways to assess outcomes of treatment and methodologies to get that information into the hands of clinicians in a manner that can immediately impact treatment. As PI for the NIH Toolbox for the Assessment of Neurological and Behavioral Function (NIHTB), I oversaw a team of over 235 researchers to create a battery of instruments for clinical-investigators to assess areas within cognitive, motor, sensory and emotional health, for longitudinal, clinical and comparative effectiveness research. I serve as MPI for the Advancing Reliable Measurement in Alzheimer’s Disease and cognitive Aging (ARMADA) project, which will validate the NIHTB among individuals with amnestic mild cognitive impairment, AD, and older adult normal controls age 65-85, and among normal controls, aged 86+. I am also MPI of MyCog: Rapid detection of cognitive impairment in everyday clinical settings. This project created a cognitive impairment screening battery based on NIHTB measures that can be implemented in everyday clinical settings. As MPI for the Environmental influences on Child Health Outcomes (ECHO) PRO Measurement Core, our group recommends, develops and curates assessment delivery for over 80 sites. In my former role as PI for the NIH Roadmap Patient Reported Outcomes Measurement Information System (PROMIS) Technical Center, I served as technology host for more than 2,000 researchers and clinicians who are registered users of I have served as a co-investigator/consultant on over 100 assessment development projects in health care, education and certification. In the outcomes arena, I have been a part of 88 competitive presentations, 55 invited presentations, 46 workshops, and authored 122 peer-reviewed papers.