Cynthia Cooper, MFA, MA, OTR/L, CHT
Occupational Therapist
Cooper Hand Therapy
Cynthia Cooper, MFA, MA, OTR/L, CHT, has practiced hand therapy for 39 years and has published chapters in numerous hand therapy and occupational therapy textbooks and journals. She is the editor of Fundamentals of Hand Therapy: Clinical Reasoning and Treatment Guidelines for Common Diagnoses of the Upper Extremity. Ms. Cooper has presented many times at national and international meetings of occupational therapy and hand therapy organizations. She was an invited overseas guest speaker in Hong Kong in 2015. She was endowed by ASSH to volunteer with hand surgeons and hand therapists in La Paz, Bolivia, in 2015, and was endowed by AAHS to do volunteer work in Ghana, Africa, in 2017. Cynthia has developed a program to treat CIPN and has published and presented on this topic at national and state meetings. She is currently a co-investigator on a CIPN study with colleagues at Virginia Piper Cancer Institute in Arizona.