<p id="breadcrumbs"><!-- [et_pb_line_break_holder] -->Home / 2018 Annual Conference / 2018 Conference News<!-- [et_pb_line_break_holder] --></p>

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2018 Conference News

In your January issue of Archives of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation look out for this poster…

Help us share the word by sharing this poster! Hang it in your facility or take a picture with it! Post it to Instagram, Twitter, or LinkedIn and tag it with #RehabEventsPoster.

By helping us spread the word, you can help get your research out to MORE people — who need it the most!

Print your own poster! DOWNLOAD PDF

In your January issue of Archives of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation look out for this poster…

Help us share the word by sharing this poster! Hang it in your facility or take a picture with it! Post it to Instagram, Twitter, or LinkedIn and tag it with #RehabEventsPoster.

By helping us spread the word, you can help get your research out to MORE people — who need it the most!

Print your own poster! DOWNLOAD PDF

Want to Promote the Conference?

Click here!

You can find conference graphics, call for proposal graphics, banners, and more!

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