Keith Lohse, PhD
Assistant Professor
University of Utah
Keith Lohse, PhD
Assistant Professor
University of Utah
Keith Lohse received a joint PhD in neuroscience, cognitive science, and psychology from the University of Colorado and completed his post-doctoral training in rehabilitation science at the University of British Columbia. Dr. Lohse has more than 30 peer-reviewed manuscripts published in biomedical and psychology journals and has been invited to lead workshops on longitudinal data analysis. He also served as an ad-hoc reviewer for over 24 scientific journals, and currently serves on the editorial board for the Journal of Motor Learning and Development. Currently, Dr. Lohse is the principal investigator for the NeuroRehabilitation Informatics Laboratory (NRIL) at the University of Utah. Broadly, his research focuses on how the nervous system learns to perform motor actions, especially in the presence of neurological disease or injury. Specifically, his work focuses on longitudinal data analysis in neurorehabilitation. These data might be neural time-series data in EEG or clinical data from electronic medical records. Dr. Lohse’s lab conducts experiments to explore the neural changes that accompany motor learning and regularly collaborate with other researchers to conduct advanced statistical analyses, establish the validity/reliability of neural/behavioral measures, and conduct meta-scientific research.