Join us at our Online Annual Business Meeting on the 22nd of October at 8:45am to learn more about the ING and to get involved.
Annual meeting, November, 2019
The Annual Business meeting of the International Networking Group (ING) attracted conference delegates from different parts of the world. The ING Chair, Dr. Fofi Constantinidou, took the opportunity to welcome everyone and introduce them briefly to the mission, the officers, the task forces and the activities of the ING including the bi-monthly phone conference calls. The International Best Poster Award was given to Sutanuka Bhattacharjya, PhD & James Lenker, PhD for their poster on “Using smartphones to disseminate video-based rehabilitation training materials in resource-poor regions in India”. The atmosphere in the meeting was a blend of formal presentation as well as informality in the form of attendees introducing themselves. There was a sheet of paper passed around to collect names and emails as well as some of the interests of the those present. Each Chair of the task forces was then invited to share some of the updates and plans for the upcoming year. As always everyone was treated with delicious Swiss chocolate brought by one of our Swiss colleagues, Hubert Vuagnat, MD, and a hot cup of coffee to help with the early start to the day. All were encouraged by the Chair to think of international presenters for next year and bring forward potential projects they were interested in.