Recognition and scholarship accomplished by members of the executive committee for November 2022 to February 2024 (partial listing)
William R. Reed, PhD, DC
- Awarded with MPI, Chad Cook (Duke) a U24, entitled, Force-Based Manipulations Research. Drs. Reed and Cook called their Force-Based Manipulations (FBM) network ForceNET which is funded by the National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health (NCCIH) and the National Institute of Neruological Disorders and Stroke (U24AT011969). Total award over a 5-year period (2022-2027), $2.7 million. The ForceNET network invites inter-disciplinary applications for pilot awards (up to $75,000 in total costs) to provide project support for new or established investigators in FBM research. These pilot projects must involve primary data collection, secondary data analyses on existing datasets related to FBM research, and/or the development of consensus-based FBM-related terminology. To date, a total of 26 pilot applications have been reviewed by ForceNET with 2 pilot grants awarded in 2023 and another 2 anticipated to be awarded in 2024.
- Mohapatra, B., Lehrer, P., Reed, W.R., Behel, P. and Kim, S. 2023. Heart Rate Variability Biofeedback Training: An Introduction for Clinicians. Arch Phys Med Rehabil.doi: 10.1016/j.apmr.2023.03.028
- Gopaul U, Marika D, Charalambous M, Reed WR. 2023. Empowering Stroke Survivors: Understanding the Role of Multidisciplinary Rehabilitation. Arch Phys Med Rehabil. Oct;104(10):1745-1750. doi: 10.1016/j.apmr.2022.12.199. Epub 2023 Apr 25.PMID: 37105256
Julie Marie Faieta, PhD, MOT, OTR/L
- Awarded two Pilot Awards
- PennAITech .Project Name: Health App Review Tool: Connecting those Affected by Alzheimer’s to Needed Technology Support , funded by the National Institute on Aging (NIA), part of the National Institutes of Health, through the Artificial Intelligence and Technology Collaboratories (AITC) for Aging Research program. Principal Investigator (total award over a one-year period [2023]: $200,000)
- Telehealth Research and Innovation for Veterans with Cancer (THRIVE) (total award over a one-year period [2023]: $50,000) Technology Evaluation to Enhance Telehealth Care for Veterans with Cancer Principal Investigator.
- Faieta, J., Ebuenyi, I. D., Devos, H., Reynolds III, C. F., & Rodakowski, J. (2023). The Role of Rehabilitation for Early-Stage Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Dementias: Practice and Priorities. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. DOI:
- Gopaul, U., Omar, Z. B., Bayley, M., Schwertfeger, J., Cheng, H.-J., Faieta, J., & Lee, C. D. (2024). What do I Need to Know About Exergames to Improve Recovery at Home After My Stroke? Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation.
- Gross, M., Lansang, N. M., Gopaul, U., Ogawa, E. F., Heyn, P. C., Santos, F. H., … & Faieta, J. (2023) Response to Letter to the Editor on “What do I need to know about Long-Covid-related Fatigue, Brain Fog, and Mental Health Changes?” Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation.
- Faieta, J., Bourassa, J., & Best, K. (2024). Refinement of Health App Review Tool (HART) through stakeholder interviews: HART 2.0. Assistive technology : the official journal of RESNA, 36(1), 75–81.
- Gross, M., Lansang, N. M., Gopaul, U., Ogawa, E. F., Heyn, P. C., Santos, F. H., … & Faieta, J. (2023). What Do I Need to Know About Long-Covid-related Fatigue, Brain Fog, and Mental Health Changes?
Megan Carey Vaughan, SLPD, CCC-SLP, CBIS, CTP
- Invited faculty for Veterans Affairs speech-language pathology on mindfulness interventions
- Invited speaker for Department of Defense Mindfulness Integration
- Partnering with National Occupational Therapy to train clinicians within Veterans Affairs across US for creating mindfulness and stroke interventions research for Veterans Affairs
- Abstract published in Journal of Head Trauma on Mindfulness Communication Intervention for Special Forces- Vaughan, Megan. A Mindfulness-Based Communication Enhancement (MBCE) Program for Special Forces With TBI: Using Quality Improvement Methodology. Abstract from Journal of Head Trauma Rehabilitation 37(6):p E502-E608, November/December 2022. | DOI: 10.1097/HTR.000000000000084.
Nabila Enam, OTD, OTR/L
- Enam, N., Cypher, J., Kumble, S. & Grampurohit, N. (2022). Sleep disorders in pulmonary conditions: Case study and resources for occupational therapy practice. New Zealand Journal of Occupational Therapy, 69(1), 31-37.
- Enam, N., Benham, S., & Greene, N. (2023). Sleep quality, sleep efficiency, and perceived stress after synchronous virtual mindfulness meditation sessions for higher education students. OBM Integrative and Complementary Medicine, 8(4), 9-10. DOI:10.21926/obm.icm.2304048.
Joan van Rotterdam, BsC, GradDip (Chiropractic), MMSc, PhD
- Received an award from the Commonwealth Bank of Australia for one of the best Treasurers of a not-for-profit organization in Australia
Bijoyaa Mohapatra, PhD, CCC-SLP
- Mohapatra, B., Lehrer, P., Reed, W.R., Behel, P. and Kim, S. 2023. Heart Rate Variability Biofeedback Training: An Introduction for Clinicians. Arch Phys Med Rehabil. doi: 10.1016/j.apmr.2023.03.028
Matt Erb, PT
- Erb, M. & Ranjbaroga, N. Yoga Therapy in a Digital Age. Yoga Therapy Today. Winter 2023.
- Erb M. Creating a Healing Centered Community for Climate Disaster Preparedness & Response, for the Planning and Conservation League, California, November 2023.
- Erb M. Embodied Acceptance and Commitment Therapy. Mexico Ministry of Health, Department of Neuroscience, Conference on Physiotherapy in Mental Health Care, May, 2023.
- Justice C, Vandemark C, Sullivan M, Davis C, Erb M. Integrative Physical Therapy: Guiding Principles for an Emerging Whole Person Care Specialty, Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Journal, October 10, 2023.
Peter Behel, MA, BCB
- Behel, P. Peptide Upregulation and Inflammatory Cascading: The Unseen Outcome of Autonomic Dysregulation in Archives of Neurology and Neuroscience, DOI: 10.33552/ANN.2023.15.000859
- Mohapatra, B., Lehrer, P., Reed, W.R., Behel, P. and Kim, S. 2023. Heart Rate Variability Biofeedback Training: An Introduction for Clinicians. Arch Phys Med Rehabil. doi: 10.1016/j.apmr.2023.03.028
Sonya Kim, PhD, CRC, BCB, FACRM
- Kim, S., Rizzo, J.R., Forber-Pratt, A., Capo-Logo, C. Heyn, P.C. The Utopia of Disability Inclusion in Rehabilitation Sciences: An Insider’s Perspective. Journal of Allied Health, Winter 2022, Vol 51, No 4. PMID: 36473220
- Kim, S. Heart rate variability biofeedback for mental health treatment: A policy brief. Policy Insights from the Behavioral and Brain Sciences. 10 (1). 2023/03/01 2023;10(1):90-95. doi:10.1177/23727322221144647.
- Mohapatra, B., Lehrer, P., Reed, W.R., Behel, P. and Kim, S. 2023. Heart Rate Variability
Biofeedback Training: An Introduction for Clinicians. Arch Phys Med Rehabil. doi: 10.1016/j.apmr.2023.03.028. - Kim, S., Dudek, E., Kajankova, M., Channing, T., Tabio, L., and Derbidge, C. Mentorship in Rehabilitation Psychology: Attitudes and Perspectives. Rehabilitation Psychology, February 2024, American Psychological Association (APA) DOI: 10.1037/rep0000546.
Matthew Wichrowski, MSW, HTR
- Invited to be an Opening Keynote speaker for Chinese Society of Landscape Architecture- Annual Meeting of Horticultural Therapy and Landscape for Well-Being Society.
- Joined virtually on May 13th to speak on “Horticulture Therapy in America- Current Status, Personal Insights, and Practice Recommendations.”
- Appointed as Technical Peer Reviewer for City in Nature of the Cities of Tomorrow R&D Program Topic 4: “Landscape and Well-being 1st Grant Call”.
- Multi- million dollar grant opportunities supported by Singapore Government National Parks Dept. aimed at increasing wellness opportunities utilizing green spaces in Singapore.
- On 5/31 Horticulture was approved for a grant from NYU Rusk Auxiliary in the amount of $28,565. This will support North Campus Horticulture Programs on HCC-9, psychiatry, neurology and a new pilot nature-based wellness program for staff.
- Wichrowski, M. & Vaughn, M. 10/2023 American Horticultural Therapy Association Annual Conference. Share The Magic: A Guide to Publishing in the Journal of Therapeutic Horticulture.
- Wichrowski, M. 10/2023 AHTA Annual Conf. Nature Sure is Awesome: Exploring Awe and its Uses in HT Practice.
- Wichrowski, M.. 12/2023. Invited speaker. Cultivating Resilient Gardeners. Vermont Master Gardener Conference.