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A Note From Your MNG Chair

Allan Kozlowski image

Allan Kozlowski,
MNG Chair

We tend to think of the turn of a decade as a point of change. As we enter the 2020s, one of the first tasks for the Measurement Networking Group (MGN) will be to reapply for a change of status to an Interdisciplinary Special Interest group, or ISIG. Late in 2019, the Committee on Group Configuration led by Dr. Doug Katz presented its recommendations to the ACRM Board. Recommendations included establishment of a standing committee for oversight of ACRM Communities, and to have the Communities who had pending applications for a change of status to reapply. We anticipate that the review process will be expedient and that the decision will be made this year.

The MNG has for several years met the requirements of an ISIG; however, in applying for the change in status we make a commitment going forward to meet or exceed those requirements. The MGN Vision Cast for 2020 represents our five-year plan to perform as an ISIG. Objectives that relate to the Annual Conference are to continue to provide high-quality content in a full measurement track, to include measurement content in at least 3-5 cross-cutting transitional presentations, and within the next five years, to establish a peer-reviewed lectureship. Regarding membership, our objectives are to retain and expand our membership, and to engage more members in activities such as task forces and communications.

Meet Your New Executive Committee Team: (Left to Right) Jennifer Weaver (Communications), Allen Heinemann (Awards), Noelle Carlozzi (Past Chair), Allan Kozlowski (Chair), Linda Ehrlich-Jones (Chair-Elect), Alex Wong (Secretary), Cynthia Li (Early Career), & Trudy Mallinson (outgoing Past Chair)

In addition, we are exploring an opportunity in partnership with the Mentoring Program to establish a mentorship program within the MNG. Another opportunity arose from discussion with a first-time attendee at the Early Career & First-Time Attendee Welcome at the 2019 Conference last fall. We are exploring the feasibility and interest in establishing a measurement forum, which could provide a venue for members to ask or answer questions. Such a venue would provide another opportunity to engage our membership, and to facilitate interaction between our early career and our more experienced members.

Please contact us if you have interest in any of these opportunities, or if you have thoughts on how we can better serve the MNG membership, ACRM membership, and to support advancement of the science and practice of measurement. We look forward to hearing from you and look forward to growth of the MNG as a valued ACRM community.

With warm regards,

Allan Kozlowski, PhD, BSc (PT)
CHAIR, Measurement Networking Group (MNG)
Mary Free Bed Rehabilitation Hospital and
Michigan State University

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