Amy Herrold
By Amy Herrold, PhD, Chair, Early Career Development Course Task Force
The 2020 Early Career Development Course, Teaming With Success will be held on WED 21 OCT during the ACRM VIRTUAL Annual Conference. As usual, our program will include presentations from representatives of major federal agencies discussing new rules and regulations as well as updates on early career opportunities. Officials from NIH, NIDLIRR, VA, and the CDC will be available to give grantsmanship advice based on each organization’s mission and funding priorities.
The Emerging Scholars Panel Session will feature early career research professionals who will share their experiences and insights about grant writing and the successful implementation of research goals.
A renowned keynote speaker, Dr. Theresa Bender Pape, with an outstanding reputation in the field of rehabilitation, will share her work as well as key elements in professional development in keeping with the course theme.
Immediately following the course enjoy the Early Career and First-Time Attendees Welcome. At this casual “meet and greet” you can learn about opportunities for networking and collaboration from the heart of ACRM — the ACRM Community Groups. Members from ACRM Interdisciplinary Special Interest and Networking Groups and Task Forces gather and meet, plan and exchange ideas. This is the time and place to find out how to get involved.
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