Please mark your calendar and plan to join us for the ACRM 93rd Annual Conference. With this warm and welcoming group, you are sure to make new friends and invaluable professional networks.
When: 30TH OCT – 4 NOV 2016
Where: Hilton Chicago
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Why attend? Great Early Career Opportunities!
- Great educational Content! Stay abreast of the latest and greatest evidence-based clinical research
- Early Career Poster Award Opportunities
- Great early career and student discounts
- Early Career Reception: A great opportunity to learn about the ACRM Interdisciplinary Special Interest Groups and Networking Groups and how you can be more involved and build your CV
- Networking and Collaborative Opportunities
Must-Attend Events for Early Career Attendees
Early Career Development Course
This year’s theme is Team Science. It will focus on helping attendees develop their research identity while forming collaborative relationships and teams, enhancing team communication, preventing conflicts, giving and sharing credit in publications and grants, balancing individual and team pursuits for tenure and promotion and increasing productivity.
- Do you want to learn how to balance your own research identity while collaborating with others?
- Do you want to be mentored by and learn about the successes and occasional pitfalls from some of the top rehabilitation clinicians and researchers?
- Are you having trouble with the new biosketch format and wondering what your most significant contributions to science are?
- Do you want some tips on balancing your role as a clinician and researcher or possibly getting started with designing your own clinical trial?
- Do you want to learn how to increase your productivity with publishing and grant funding?
If you answered YES, then sign up for the 2016 Early Career Development Course!
Or Call +1.703.435.5335
Or Call +1.855.760.0869 With Booking Code: ACRM
Early Career Reception
TUE Evening, 1 NOV
A great opportunity to meet new people, network, and learn about the ACRM Interdisciplinary Special Interest Groups and Networking Groups and how you can be more involved – a great opportunity to build your CV.
Cognitive Rehabilitation Training
MON & TUE, 31 OCT – 1 NOV
Based on the ACRM Cognitive Rehabilitation Manual: Translating Evidence-Based Recommendations into Practice, this introductory training teaches evidence-based interventions for impairment of executive functions, memory, attention, and hemispatial neglect. Includes printed Manual ($150 value). Learn More >>
Academy of Certified Brain Injury Specialists (ACBIS) Training Course
MON & TUE, 31 OCT – 1 NOV
This course provides the opportunity to learn important information about brain injury, to demonstrate learning in a written examination, and to earn a nationally recognized credential. Learn More >>
Chat with the Experts Sessions
WED & THU, 2 – 3 NOV
“Chat with the Experts” is an exciting new series debuting at this year’s conference to connect you with the LEADING EXPERTS. Bring your burning questions or explore new topics of interest.
It’s all happening in between sessions in the ACRM EXPO Hall. Join small and intimate discussion sessions on the following topics:
- Integrating clinical practice and Research: Led by: John Whyte, Flora Hammond, Sue Ann Sisto, Brad Kurowski, Jenni Moore, and George Hornby
- Mid-Career Development Advice and Guidance: Led by Edelle Fielde-Fote, Pam Duncan, Joy Hammel, and Jim Malec
- Federal Research Funding Q&A session: Led by NIH, NIDILRR and VA reps
- Navigating TeleRehabilitation in Research and Clinical Practice: Led by Deirdre Dawson, Dee Sperry, and Helen Hoenig
Learn More >>
Poster Grand Rounds are guided walking tours of selected award-winning scientific poster presentations. Poster presenters will give a brief summary of study highlights and answer questions.
NIDILRR-Sponsored ARRT Young Investigators Panel—In partnership with ACRM, NIDILRR selects five ARRT Fellows to present research relevant to the ACRM mission and audience. Learn More >>

Yelena Goldin
Deborah L. Wilkerson Early Career Award Supported by CARF International – This year’s awardee, Yelena Goldin, PhD, will present Attention Network Functions in Adults With Chronic Traumatic Brain Injury. Learn More >>
Early Career Networking Group Informational Meeting on WED, 2 NOV from 7:00 AM – 8:00 AM. See all ACRM Community Groups Meetings >>