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2021 Measurement ISIG Election


Measurement Interdisciplinary Special Interest Group (M-ISIG) members-in-good-standing are scheduled to receive the 2021 M-ISIG Election survey via email on Friday, 2 July. If you believe you are an M-ISIG member-in-good-standing but did not receive the Election survey, please contact Cindy Robinson for assistance.

The membership will elect two officers to serve on the M-ISIG Executive Committee, as Chair-Elect and Secretary.



For Chair-Elect, the candidates are: Alex Wong, PhD, DPhil and Jennifer Weaver, PhD, OTR/L, CBIS:


Alex Wong imageAlex Wong, PhD, DPhil
Research Scientist, Shirley Ryan AbilityLab
Research Associate Professor, Northwestern University




I would be very honored to serve as the Chair-Elect of the ACRM M-ISIG Executive Committee. As a health services researcher, occupational therapist, and rehabilitation counselor, the M-ISIG mission represents the centrality of my rehabilitation career endeavors. I joined ACRM in 2012, and the M-ISIG Task Forces were what drew me to the ACRM community. In 2013, I joined the ACRM Membership Committee to represent the M-ISIG to communicate with other ISIGs or networking groups to support member recruitment. For the current 2019-2021 term, I am serving on the Executive Committee of the M-ISIG as its secretary to maintain records and other correspondences. Involvement in these roles has given me unprecedented opportunities to grow with the M-ISIG and share my passion with other people sharing the same commitment to improving the lives of people with disabilities.


Jennifer Weaver imageJennifer Weaver, PhD, OTR/L, CBIS
Research Associate, Advanced Metrics Lab
Associate Program Director, Post-professional Occupational Therapy Doctorate
School of Medicine & Health Sciences, George Washington University



Dr. Jennifer Weaver is a Research Associate in the Advanced Metrics Lab and Associate Program Director for the Post-Professional Occupational Therapy program at The George Washington University. As an occupational therapist by training, she devoted her clinical career to treating patients and families affected by Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) and pursued advanced training in evaluation and treatment approaches. Her clinical experience developed a passion for advancing measurement for clients that had severe and mild neurological impairments. She pursued her PhD in Translational Health Science at George Washington University, and her dissertation topic was “Translating Assessments into Clinical Practice Using Person-Centered Measurement Principles.” She looks forward to the opportunity to promote the Measurement Interdisciplinary Special Interest Group (MISIG) mission because it represents what she loves most, applying measurement, to the field of rehabilitation.

Dr. Weaver joined ACRM in 2016 as a doctoral student and quickly jumped in to support the Communications Chair. Now, she serves as the Communications Chair and the position expanded to include overseeing the Knowledge Translation (KT) committee. KT members had two presentations for the 2020 annual conference, are scheduled to present in 2021, and are collaborating on a special communication paper. I have attended the Health Services Dissemination & Implementation Science task force meetings, MISIG Rehabilitation Measures Database task force meetings, and the Communications committee meetings in order to identify opportunities for the KT committee and connect members. Dr. Weaver looks forward to creating partnerships across ARCM ISIGS and Networking Groups as measurement is a cross-cutting topic.

Her clinical training, research experience, and ACRM service has prepared her to serve in the role of Chair Elect for MISIG. She has strong leadership, organizational, and interpersonal skills that will help her engage across disciplines to work towards the common goal of sharing measurement-related concepts and research with the rehabilitation field. Measurement is at the crux of understanding whether our interventions are working for our clients, and we must translate measurement-related information to researchers, clinicians, and rehabilitation clients. MISIG represents the current and future leaders of these endeavors, and Dr. Weaver is eager to continue as Chair Elect.



The Chair-Elect holds office for two (2) years. At the end of the term, the Chair-elect will automatically assume the Chair position for two years at the conclusion of the annual business meeting.

The Chair-Elect shall act to obtain the greatest possible acquaintanceship with the affairs and membership of the M-ISIG to effectively and efficiently fulfill the office of Chair upon succession. The Chair-Elect shall oversee that a M-ISIG membership of 30 or more persons is maintained by the ACRM National Office and that an ongoing campaign is maintained to promote M-ISIG membership in order to enhance its ability to fulfill its stated mission and vision. In support of these duties, the Chair-Elect will serve as M-ISIG liaison and a member of the ACRM Membership Committee.

The Chair-Elect shall preside at general or business meetings in the absence of the Chair and shall succeed to the office of the Chair in the event of removal of the Chair for reasons stated within these Rules of Governance. Upon succession to the position of the Chair, the Chair Elect will attend Board of Governors meetings as a liaison of the M-ISIG.


For M-ISIG Secretary, the candidates are: Namrata Grampurohit, PhD, OTR/L and Nathan Hogaboom, PhD:


Grampurohit Namrata imageNamrata Grampurohit, PhD, OTR/L
Assistant Professor
Thomas Jefferson University
Philadelphia, PA




Dr. Namrata Grampurohit is an Assistant Professor at Thomas Jefferson University where she teaches in the Department of Occupational Therapy. Dr. Grampurohit is an occupational therapist trained in India and United States, and spent her early clinical years in acute and inpatient rehabilitation of adults and older adults with neurological conditions. Dr. Grampurohit nurtures research interests in the study of measures that can be used across the lifespan for individuals with spinal cord injury and cerebral palsy. Her research has focused on enhancing functional outcomes in neurological conditions through home-based interventions such as virtual reality for comprehensive physical, emotional, and cognitive rehabilitation in stroke. She has also examined the effects of coaching caregivers to enhance outcomes for the families of people with stroke. She has received funding from NIH, NIDILRR and foundation grants.

Contributions to ACRM and the M-ISIG

Dr. Grampurohit has belonged to ACRM and the M-ISIG for nearly 5 years, since previously when it was a networking group. Dr. Grampurohit has been an active member of the Rehab Measures Task Force and the Rasch Task Force. She has presented her work each year through ACRM workshops and instructional courses through collaborations with M-ISIG members. She won the Measurement-in-Action Award through the M-ISIG in 2019 for her work in responsiveness of a computer adaptive test for health and function in cerebral palsy. If elected to the office of M-ISIG Secretary, she will devote her full energy, creativity, and collaborative skill to this important role.


Nathan Hogaboom imageNathan Hogaboom, PhD
Co-Director, Derfner-Lieberman Laboratory for Regenerative Rehabilitation Research
Research Scientist, Center for Spinal Cord Injury Research and
Center for Outcomes & Assessment Research
Kessler Foundation



Nathan Hogaboom, PhD, is a Research Scientist in the Centers for Spinal Cord Injury Research and Outcomes & Assessment Research and co-director of the Derfner-Lieberman Laboratory for Regenerative Rehabilitation Research at Kessler Foundation. He is also a Research Assistant Professor in the Department of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation at Rutgers New Jersey Medical School. Dr. Hogaboom’s current research focuses on regenerative rehabilitation interventions for degenerative musculoskeletal pathologies in wheelchair users and able-bodied individuals in civilian and military populations. He also studies secondary complications of spinal cord injury with an emphasis on musculoskeletal pain and assistive technology. He is currently exploring the use of quantitative imaging and other biomarkers of soft-tissue pathology to measure responses to interventions, and better understand how subjective pain measures correlate with objective measures of pathology.

Dr. Hogaboom has been an active ACRM member for over 5 years, first joining as a graduate student at the University of Pittsburgh. He is currently Early Career Officer (ECO) of the Spinal Cord Injury ISIG and will serve until 2022. As ECO, he is leading initiatives to facilitate the matching of mentors and mentees, and postdoctoral candidates with fellowship opportunities. If elected Secretary, he will bring this same level of enthusiasm and capability to this position.



M-ISIG Secretary holds office for two (2) years. This position can be extended for two (2) optional two-year terms if agreed upon by the Secretary and Nominating Committee and voted upon by the MNG membership.  The Secretary shall maintain a correct and permanent record of the meetings and transactions of the M-ISIG including minutes of all meetings, correspondence by M-ISIG officers, budget, task force reports, membership records, historical list of M-ISIG award winners, lists of persons attending mid-year and annual meetings. The Secretary will also assume responsibility for reviewing and preserving the M-ISIG Rules of Governance with regard to legality, integrity, and consistency within itself and with the existing by-laws of the ACRM and preparing modifications in appropriate form for the membership’s input and approval. The Secretary will assist the Awards Chair in reviewing and selecting winning posters for the M-ISIG s poster awards. The Secretary will serve as a M-ISIG liaison and member on an ACRM standing committee as deemed necessary and negotiated with the Chair.

In the case of these two positions, the successful officers will assume their positions during the ACRM VIRTUAL Annual Conference in 2021.